04 February 2011

Radioactive olive

I'm not sure what to say after such a long hiatus, so I'll just jump right in.

This is a look that I did with colors I mixed myself. I find that mixing my own colors works really well for me because it's cheaper (there are many things besides makeup that I'd rather spend my money on), it's fun, and I'm pretty good at making the exact color that I set out to make.

Inner corner - seafoam green layered over the lime green
Lid - lime green
Pre-crease - olive green
Crease - medium cool brown
Outer corner - dark olive green layered over the lime green
Highlight - matte white
Lower lash - NYC Kohl Eyeliner Pencil in "924 In The Navy"
Mascara - Covergirl Lash Blast Fusion in "Black"

I hope it's clear what I mean when I say "pre-crease;" it's the color between the lid and the crease. Does anyone have a better name for it?

I'll have to do some swatches of the colors I've made so far—especially that olive green. You can't tell from the photos I've posted here, but it has purple, red, and green sparkles.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful colours! Did you order your micas from somewhere like TKB? I just did a couple of reviews on them.
