14 February 2011

How I made CoverGirl NatureLuxe foundation work for me.

First of all, let me say that my skin loves the NatureLuxe foundation—so much, in fact, that if I wear it a few days in a row my skin actually starts to look better. The problem is that the lightest shade is slightly too dark and too warm for my skin tone. I've found a way to make it work, though.

First, I mix a bit of the foundation with my moisturizer—the mixture is about one part foundation to two parts moisturizer—and I apply it all over my face and neck. Doing so creates a nice wash of color without making me look like I'm wearing an orange mask. I could stop there, but my cheeks are usually too red and dry to be covered with such a light layer. So, then I apply a bit more foundation to my cheeks. Because the foundation is darker and warmer than my skin tone, it creates a subtle bronzing effect. If I want to have even more of a bronzing effect, I apply more foundation to my nose and chin (I skip my forehead because I have bangs). The overall look is very natural and healthy. It's also too subtle to show up in photos, which explains why there are none in this post.

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